Category Archives: Articles

Does Abortion Affect Men?

That is a question people do not like to think about or even refuse to think about. After all, most believe it is none of the man’s business because it is the woman’s body. As well, if any consider the father at all, they believe they are glad that the abortion occurred and that they have no

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Mark Bradley Morrow’s faith sustained him when his 45-year-old father died of a cerebral aneurysm in 1980. Ten weeks earlier, the 19-year-old college student had accepted Jesus as his Savior. The weekly Bible studies, prayer meetings, and fellowship at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania likewise buoyed Morrow when his two favorite uncles, both in their mid-40s, committed suicide in 1981

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Don’t Forget about the Guys

She stared at the two lines in disbelief: the pregnancy test was positive. Overwhelmed, she couldn’t hold back the tears. This wasn’t what she had planned for her life. It’s a scenario we hear about time and again. But there’s a side that you may not have considered before. What does a man experience when

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