History and Mission

Our Mission

To promote emotional healing for men who have lost a child to abortion, and to create awareness among the counseling community, the pro-life movement and society as a whole regarding the impact of abortion on millions of these hurting fathers.


Our History

Since 1973, there have been efforts to reach men who have been impacted by the loss of a child to abortion. The efforts did reach some of these men, but often times both awareness and healing programs were primarily focused on women. As a result, millions of men were left without an opportunity to find healing. In addition, the message from the culture was that men shouldn’t and don’t hurt from the loss of their child due to abortion.

A renewed effort began in 2005, when the first ever Men’s Summit to specifically address the issue of men and abortion, was held in Kansas City. The purpose was to gather key leaders who were involved with the issue of men and abortion. The Summit served as a groundbreaking event in which the focus was on how to reach these men in more effective ways and also to begin efforts to create greater awareness in our culture of how abortion impacts men. Out of that summit, the Men and Abortion Network was created.